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NTIA Proposals

NTIA approves draft U.S. proposals based on advice from the Federal agencies.  Each proposal represents the NTIA position on specific changes to the Radio Regulations for WRC agenda items.  These proposals may vary from the preliminary views based on international and domestic studies and multilateral discussions.

Last update: June 30, 2015

Note: The contents of this page should be viewed as archival.  WRC-15 concluded on 27 November 2015

Agenda Item 1.1 – Mobile Broadband / International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) 

Band - 420-450 MHz

  • NTIA Proposal         2013-09-03     .pdf     .doc

Band - 470-806 MHz

  • NTIA Proposal         2013-01-30     .pdf     .doc

Band - 1164-1610 MHz 

  • NTIA Proposal         2013-01-30     .pdf     .doc

Band – 1350-1400 MHz 

  • NTIA Proposal         2015-01-21     .pdf     .doc

Band – 1427-1518 MHz 

  • NTIA Proposal         2015-01-21     .pdf     .doc

Band - 1435-1525 MHz 

  • NTIA Proposal         2015-04-01     .pdf     .doc

Band - 1695-1710 MHz

  • NTIA Proposal         Release Date     .pdf     .doc

Band - 2025-2110 MHz & 2200-2290 MHz

  • NTIA Proposal         2013-11-12     .pdf    .doc

Band – 2700-2900 MHz 

  • NTIA Proposal         2015-01-21     .pdf     .doc

Band - 3700-4200 MHz

  • NTIA Proposal         2014-02-21     .pdf     .doc

Band – 4400-4990 MHz 

  • NTIA Proposal         2015-01-21     .pdf     .doc

Band - 5000-5030 MHz 

  • NTIA Proposal         2013-01-30     .pdf     .doc

Band - 5350-5470 MHz 

  • NTIA Proposal         2014-07-31     .pdf      .doc

Band - 6425 MHz & Above 

  • NTIA Proposal          3014-02-21    .pdf     .doc

 Agenda Item 1.2 – Region 1 Digital Dividend (IMT)

  • NTIA Proposal            Release Date   .pdf     .doc

Agenda item 1.3 – Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) (Res. 646)

  • NTIA Proposal            2014-09-17   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 1.4 – Secondary Amateur High Frequency (HF) Allocations 

  • NTIA Proposal            2014-02-21      .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 1.5 – Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)  

  • NTIA Proposal            2014-09-17      .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 1.6.1 – Region 1 Fixed-Satellite Service (FSS) uplink/downlink at 10-17 GHz 

  • NTIA Proposal            2014-07-31     .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 1.6.2 – Region 2&3 FSS uplink at 13-17 GHz 

  • NTIA Proposal            2014-07-31     .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 1.7 – Mobile-Satellite Service (MSS) Feeder Links

  • NTIA Proposal            Release Date   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 1.8 – Earth Stations onboard Vessels (ESV)

  • NTIA Proposal            Release Date   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 1.9.1 – FSS uplink/downlink in the 7/8 GHz range

  • NTIA Proposal            2014-11-21   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 1.9.2 – Maritime Mobile-Satellite Service (MMSS) uplink/downlink in the 7/8 GHz range

  • NTIA Proposal            2013-12-13   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 1.10 – MSS uplink/downlink in the 22-26 GHz range

  • NTIA Reconciled FCC WAC proposal

Agenda Item 1.11 – Earth Exploration-Satellite Service (EESS) uplink in the 7-8 GHz range

  • NTIA Proposal            2013-08-30   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 1.12 – EESS (active) +600 MHz in the 8-10 GHz range

  • NTIA Proposal            2013-12-16  .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 1.13 – Space Research Service (SRS) (space-to-space) at 410-420 MHz

  • NTIA Proposal           2013-02-14   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 1.14 – Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)

  • NTIA Proposal            2013-12-13   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 1.15 – Maritime Mobile onboard Communications at UHF

  • NTIA Proposal            Release Date   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 1.16 – Automatic Identification System (AIS) enhancement

Agenda Item 1.17 – Wireless Avionics Intr-Communications (WAIC)

  • NTIA Proposal            Release Date   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 1.18 – Automotive Radiolocation at 77.5-78.0 GHz

  • NTIA Proposal            Release Date   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 2 – Incorporation By Reference (IBR) Review

  • NTIA Proposal            Release Date   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 4 – Resolutions & Recommendations Review

  • NTIA Proposal            Release Date   .pdf     .doc

 Agenda Item 7 – Resolution 86 – Satellite Regulatory Procedures

  • Issue A – Informing BR of a suspension under RR No. 11.49 beyond six months
    • NTIA Proposal            2013-02-14      .pdf     .doc
  • Issue B – Publication of information on BIU of satellite networks at the ITU Website
    • NTIA Proposal            Release Date      .pdf     .doc
  • Issue C – Review or possible cancellation of the advance publication mechanism for satellite networks subject to coordination under section II of Article 9 of the Radio Regulations
    • NTIA Proposal            2014-07-11      .pdf     .doc
  • Issue D – General use of modern electronic means of communications and notification procedures
    • NTIA Proposal            2015-01-21      .pdf     .doc
  • Issue E – Failure of a satellite during the 90-day bringing into use period 
    • NTIA Proposal            2014-11-21      .pdf     .doc
  • Issue F – Modifications to RR Appendix 30B in relation to the suspension of use of a frequency assignment recorded in the MIFR
  • Issue G – Clarification of bringing into use information provided under RR Nos. 11.44/11.44B
    • NTIA Proposal            Release Date      .pdf     .doc
  • Issue H – Using one space station to bring frequency assignments into use at different orbital locations with a short period of time 
    • NTIA Proposal            2015-02-12      .pdf     .doc
  • Issue I – Possible methods to mitigate excessive satellite network filings
    • NTIA Proposal            Release Date      .pdf     .doc
  • Issue J – Review of the orbital position limitations in paragraph A1 and A2 of Annex 7 to RR Appendix 30

Agenda Item 8 – Country Footnotes

  • NTIA Proposal            Release Date   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 9 – Director's Report – to consider and approve the Report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau, in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention:

  • 5.443C
    • NTIA Proposal              2014-07-24       .pdf     .doc
    • NTIA Proposal              2014-09-17       .pdf     .doc
  • Global Flight Tracking (GFT)  
    • NTIA Proposal              2015-05-20       .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 9.1 Activities of the Radiocommunication Sector since WRC-12

 Agenda Item 9.1.1 – Protection of the MSS in the band 406-406.1 MHz

  • NTIA Proposal            Release Date   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 9.1.2 – Coordination Arc Reduction

  • NTIA Proposal            2014-07-24   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 9.1.3 – Use of the satellite orbits and spectrum for developing countries

  • NTIA Proposal            Release Date   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 9.1.4 – Updating and rearrangement of the Radio Regulations

  • NTIA Proposal            Release Date   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 9.1.5 – Protection of FSS for aeronautical use in Region 1

  • NTIA Proposal            Release Date   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 9.1.6 – Studies towards review of the definitions of fixed service, fixed station, and mobile station

  • NTIA Proposal            Release Date   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 9.1.7 – Spectrum management guidelines for emergency and disaster relief radiocommunications

  • NTIA Proposal            Release Date   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 9.1.8 – Regulatory Aspects for nano- and picosatellites

  • NTIA Proposal            2014-10-28   .pdf     .doc

Agenda Item 9.2 – Difficulties or inconsistencies in application of the Radio Regulations

Categories of Service and Allocations           

  • NTIA Proposal             2013-04-03  .pdf      .doc

SRS Footnotes Issue

  • NTIA Proposal             2015-01-21  .pdf      .doc

Agenda Item 10 – Future Conference Agenda Items

  • Agenda Item 10.a – Primary Allocation to the Meteorological-Satellite Service in 460-470 MHz
    • NTIA Proposal            2013-12-13       .pdf     .doc
  • Agenda Item 10.b – Potential Mobile Allocation and RLAN identification in the 5350-5470 MHz frequency range
    • NTIA Proposal            2014-07-31       .pdf     .doc
  • Agenda Item 10.c – Protection of Space Research Services Earth Stations from Mobile Aircraft in 2200-2290 MHz
    • NTIA Proposal            2014-11-24      .pdf      .doc
  • Agenda Item 10.d – WRC-21 Space Weather preliminary agenda item 
    • NTIA Proposal            2015-01-21       .pdf     .doc
  • Agenda Item 10.e – WRC-21 EESS (active) for spaceborne radar sounders in the 40-50 MHz frequency range preliminary agenda item 
    • NTIA Proposal            2015-01-29       .pdf     .doc
  • Agenda Item 10.f – GFT - Aircraft Tracking and Distress Communications 
    • NTIA Proposal            2015-05-20       .pdf     .doc
  • Agenda Item 10,g  Broadband over HAPS  
    • NTIA Proposal            2015-06-26       .pdf     .doc
  • Agenda Item 10.h  IMT above 6 GHz  
    • NTIA Proposal            2015-06-026     .pdf     .doc


Coordination Letters