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What They Are Saying: Biden-Harris Administration Launches National Spectrum Strategy to Advance U.S. Wireless Leadership

November 16, 2023
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NTIA, Office of Public Affairs,

WASHINGTON D.C. - The Biden-Harris Administration on Monday released a National Spectrum Strategy to advance U.S. leadership globally while also providing Americans with the best services that advanced wireless technology offers. President Biden also announced the Presidential Memorandum on Modernizing United States Spectrum Policy and Establishing a National Spectrum Strategy, which will promote a trustworthy, predictable and evidenced-based process for ensuring spectrum serves its highest and best use.

Here's what they’re saying about the National Spectrum Strategy and Presidential Memorandum:

“We applaud the Administration’s National Spectrum Strategy and the President’s commitment to establishing a pipeline of 5G licensed spectrum to drive future innovation and jobs. It is a critical first step, and we fully support their goal of making the 7/8 GHz band available for 5G wireless broadband and their decision to re-study all options for future full-power commercial access to the lower 3 GHz band.

In order to meet growing consumer demand for 5G, close America’s widening 5G spectrum deficit and counter China’s global ambitions, America’s wireless networks need 1500 MHz of additional full power, licensed spectrum within the next ten years. Failure to make this spectrum available risks America’s economic competitiveness and national security.

Today is a key step towards the future spectrum auctions we need, and we commit to working closely with the Administration, NTIA, FCC, Congress and other stakeholders to support swift and bold action to create a spectrum pipeline including the bands identified today as well as others being studied around the globe.” - Meredith Attwell Baker, President & CEO.”
[Statement, 11/13/23]

“Spectrum is a key component to bridging the digital divide and ensuring the United States' leadership on the world stage. We are encouraged by the efforts of the administration and NTIA in creating a National Spectrum Strategy, and we look forward to working with stakeholders to develop a range of spectrum solutions for the benefit of all Americans.” - Laurent “LT” Therivel, President and CEO.”
[Statement, 11/13/23]

“The National Spectrum Strategy is an important step to restoring our global leadership in spectrum policy and ensuring that US mobile wireless networks remain the envy of the world. We commend the Administration for recognizing how vital mid-band spectrum is to the wireless industry, and how important our industry is to consumers, our economy and national security. The mid-band spectrum identified for study in the Strategy will be vital to the growth of wireless connectivity, driving our national security and economic competitiveness. Given that the pipeline of mid-band spectrum for commercial use is currently empty, it is important that the study of these bands proceeds quickly and effectively and that policymakers convert this activity into meeting our industry’s urgent need for full-power, licensed spectrum. We look forward to working closely with the Administration, Congress and the FCC on effective implementation of the Strategy.” - Kathy Grillo, SVP of Public Policy and Government Affairs.”
[Twitter, 11/13/23]

“We appreciate the administration’s effort in issuing the Presidential Memorandum on Modernizing United States Spectrum Policy and Establishing a National Spectrum Strategy. We are encouraged that the administration recognizes the spectrum needs of mobile network operators and has included the lower 3 GHz and 7 GHz bands for study and potential repurposing for full-power licensed use.

We hope this reallocation will help correct the mid-band spectrum imbalance that currently prioritizes unlicensed and federal uses – a disparity that fails to meet Americans’ ever-accelerating demand for mobile connectivity and neglects licensed spectrum’s place as the foundation of our wireless ecosystem. In that regard, we are encouraged by the administration’s interest in exploring new sharing technologies, and its recognition that any adoption of dynamic spectrum sharing be designed to incentivize commercial investment and innovation. We stand ready to work with all stakeholders to ensure that any dynamic sharing model is secure, reliable, and provides network operators the certainty they need to make the necessary capital investments in the physical infrastructure with which the spectrum is used.” - Rhonda Johnson, EVP, Federal Regulatory Relations.”
[Statement, 11/13/23]

“Intel appreciates today's release of the National Spectrum Strategy. Developing a spectrum pipeline is crucial for the development and deployment of wireless technologies including 5G, 6G, and Wi-Fi, which have the potential to revolutionize industries and help create a smarter, safer, and more sustainable future. We look forward to timely implementation to ensure the U.S. plays a leading role in communications.” - Bruce Andrews, Corporate Vice President and Chief Government Affairs Officer.”
[Tweeter, 11/13/23]

“Ericsson congratulates the Biden-Harris Administration for issuing its much-anticipated National Spectrum Strategy, setting in place processes to facilitate continued U.S. leadership in wireless technologies. We also applaud the Administration formalizing NTIA’s role as the principal advisor to the President on spectrum. As the U.S. moves forward with implementation, we urge the near-term spectrum strategy to include a pipeline of full power, licensed mid-band spectrum for robust 5G wireless services. Ericsson stands ready to continue our role as a trusted partner to the U.S. government, inventing and manufacturing the wireless network innovations that drive the U.S. and global economies.”
[Statement, 11/13/23]

“Amazon commends the Biden Administration and @NTIAgov for their focus on increasing access to spectrum to support the growing demand for a wide variety of innovative technologies like satellite and drones. Wireless spectrum is vital to deliver for customers and why Amazon supports expanding access to spectrum of all types, including unlicensed spectrum and through dynamic spectrum sharing. We are committed to developing innovative wireless devices and services for consumers, and expanding affordable connectivity.”
[Twitter, 11/14/23]

Public Knowledge:
“Spectrum fuels our innovation economy. The more smart devices that depend on constant connectivity, the more spectrum we need to keep them connected. Everything – from driverless cars to the various smart devices in your home – requires more spectrum. The plan released today will secure our digital future by eliminating the structural problems that hold back U.S. wireless innovation.

For six years, the United States has lacked a comprehensive spectrum strategy. This lack of a national plan has created increasing tensions between the FCC’s efforts to meet our ever-expanding need for wireless capacity and federal agencies trying to carry out vital missions from weather forecasting to national security. These tensions, in turn, have compromised our ability to develop new wireless technologies and undermined our ability to maintain global leadership.

We applaud the new spectrum strategy and urge all participants in the wireless economy to support implementation immediately.” - Harold Feld, Senior Vice President.”
[Statement, 11/13/23]

ACA Connects:
“A healthy spectrum pipeline is critical to the future of connectivity in the United States. Meeting the ever-growing demands for wireless spectrum will require us to use every tool in the toolbox — including exclusive use, unlicensed use, and sharing. It also will require government users to use spectrum efficiently and make spectrum available for commercial use. ACA Connects thanks the White House and NTIA for moving the conversation forward with their release of the National Spectrum Strategy. We look forward to working with the Administration, Congress, and all stakeholders to provide the spectrum the U.S. needs to drive our economy and society.” - Grant Spellmeyer, President and CEO.”
[Statement, 11/13/23]

“WISPA welcomes the Biden Administration’s release of its national spectrum strategy. Wireless spectrum drives our economy, connecting hundreds-of-millions of Americans to better, safer lives via the Internet. Where Americans do not have such access right now, spectrum’s raw infrastructure enables potent, quick-to-deploy and cost-effective technology – such as with reliable fixed wireless broadband using licensed or unlicensed spectrum – to get those in the digital divide online. The associated Report and Presidential memo will help guide how this extremely limited resource can find greater use for broadband consumers. As we parse through the many details, we stand ready to work with all stakeholders to ensure the strategy realizes timely and meaningful access to unlicensed, shared and exclusive spectrum use for all players in the wireless ecosystem. Americans – especially those who still lack or cannot afford online access – deserve no less.” - Louis Peraertz, VP of Policy.”
[Statement, 11/13/23]

Consumer Technology Association:
“A balanced approach to spectrum policy is one that values licensed, unlicensed & shared use for wireless innovation & prosperity. The Consumer Technology Association (CTA) applauds today's release of the National Spectrum Strategy which provides the critical blueprints for the US to maintain wireless leadership.”
[Twitter, 11/13/23]

“The National Spectrum Strategy marks an important step towards promoting greater spectrum sharing and rightly notes that to “continue our Nation’s economic growth, to maintain and improve our global competitiveness, and to support critical public services and missions, [the U.S.] must make spectrum available for innovative new uses and to meet growing demand.” We look forward to working with the Administration and the Commission to accomplish these goals.” - Jeff Blum, EVP Government Affairs.”
[Statement, 11/13/23]

Computer & Communications Industry Association:
“The @CommerceGov’s newly released National Spectrum Strategy is a welcome step forward for American leadership in wireless innovation on a global scale.”
[Twitter, 11/13/23]

Wi-Fi Alliance:
“This strategic policy framework will greatly enhance Federal agencies’ ability to maximize spectrum sharing and utilization. Wi-Fi® is inherently protective of other spectrum users, and our industry is excited about the opportunities created through this policy effort. The Wi-Fi industry is committed to engaging with our Federal agencies partners on technical, operational, and regulatory solutions for coexistence that will deliver incredible connectivity benefits to U.S. users while supporting ongoing agency needs.” - Alex Roytblat, Vice President of Worldwide Regulatory Affairs.”
[Statement, 11/13/23]

“Unlicensed spectrum is a critical ingredient to support the high-speed broadband we enjoy in our homes, businesses, schools and on the go. Making available a steady stream of more unlicensed spectrum is vital to ensure that Wi-Fi networks remain innovative, and they are able to accommodate ever-growing broadband demands and speeds. Importantly, between 80% – 90% of mobile traffic is offloaded to Wi-Fi. We are therefore heartened to see that the National Spectrum Strategy identifies the 7 GHz band as a candidate to address the nation’s growing demand for Wi-Fi and other unlicensed technologies and we encourage an expedited process for making it available for these services as quickly as possible. The 7 GHz band is well-positioned to bolster and support the growth of Wi-Fi and the unlicensed ecosystem, and we urge the Administration to consider next-generation broadband needs when allocating this critical band.

WifiForward remains committed to working with federal agencies to advance policies that support all technologies, especially unlicensed spectrum which has proven its value time and time again.”
[Statement, 11/13/23]

National Spectrum Consortium:
“NSC applauds NTIA for its release of the National Spectrum Strategy, an important step for the next gen of spectrum use. Managing our airwaves requires collaboration from across govt, industry & academia. NSC and our members stand ready to support this multi-stakeholder work.”
[Twitter, 11/13/23]

Telecommunications Industry Association:
“Today, the White House unveiled the plan to develop a National Spectrum Strategy focused on modernizing U.S. spectrum policy. TIA is pleased to see this step towards establishing a unified and comprehensive spectrum strategy.”
[Twitter, 11/13/23]

Members of Congress
Washington Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers & New Jersey Congressman Frank Pallone Jr.:
“Spectrum is one of our most important and valuable resources, impacting everything from our military’s radar capabilities to the mobile broadband and GPS systems Americans rely on every day. Making spectrum available for commercial use will help strengthen our economy, our national security, and ensure that we out-compete China. Today’s announcement is a welcome step toward enhancing the way we use and manage this critical resource and sets the stage for strengthening America’s technological leadership. It is particularly meaningful that this plan reaffirms the joint leadership of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) in managing our nation’s spectrum.”
[Joint Statement, 11/14/23]
(Congresswoman Rodgers is the Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Communications Committee and Congressman Pallone is the Ranking Member of the Committee)

California Congresswoman Doris Matsui:
“We are at a pivotal juncture – the global race to 5 and 6G is still white hot, satellite broadband service is taking off, and Wi-Fi continues to create massive opportunities for Americans. That’s why I have been unwavering in my calls that the federal government must speak with a unified voice on spectrum policy. Today’s announcement by President Biden ensures that the federal government remains a driving force to advance U.S. leadership in spectrum. In order to stay ahead of our global peers, the United States must remain the pacesetter for global innovation, harmonization, and standards setting.”
[Statement, 11/13/23]
(Congresswoman Matsui is the Ranking Member of the House Energy and Commerce Communications and Technology Subcommittee)

Pennsylvania Congressman John Joyce:
“While I applaud NTIA for creating this new spectrum strategy, there is still work that must be done to release previously auctioned spectrum. My bill, the 5G SALE Act, would allow the FCC to issue already purchased licenses and help connect more Americans to 5G coverage.”
[Twitter, 11/13/23]
(Congressman Joyce is a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee)


About the National Telecommunications and Information Administration  

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, is the Executive Branch agency that advises the President on telecommunications and information policy issues. NTIA’s programs and policymaking focus largely on expanding broadband Internet access and adoption in America, expanding the use of spectrum by all users, advancing public safety communications, and ensuring that the Internet remains an engine for innovation and economic growth.